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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Stockings Were Hung By The Chimney With Care...

Every year we make a bit deal over the hanging of our Christmas Stockings! Here is the layout that I did that was inspired by the challenge over at Bitten By The Bug! I used Cricut Design Studio and the following Cricut cartridges: Plantin Schoolbook, Christmas Cheer and Cuttin Up. I used papers from K&Company, Bazzill and Prism. The glitter is provided by Doodlebug Sugar Coating. The Rhinestones are by Prima as well as the flowers. The brads are generic (Can't remember who made them or where I purchased them!

Close up of the Layout

Close up of the Stockings!


  1. oh my this is it...

  2. You did a beautiful job! I am amazed by your creativity. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. you are just more than words can describe, i can't wait to do this on my machine!!!
