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Friday, October 30, 2009

I am staying and I'm here for good!

I have to admit that it has been a super rough week for me this week!  I spent a lot of time in prayer asking the lord for guidance.  After much prayer and soul searching, I have come to the conclusion that it would be a shame to waste the gifts that God has given me.  If I were to stop posting and sharing that is what I would be doing.  I have also come to the conclusion that if I let a hateful and spiteful person run me off I am teaching my children to quit.  If I am one thing it is NOT a quitter!
I have found out through all the wonderful comments that I received as well as the tons of emails, Private Messages and Phone Calls that the majority of the people who visit here want me to stay.  I cannot tell you how good that makes me feel.  I want to thank each and every one of you for rallying around me and letting me know how much you care.  They say you have to hear 5 positive things for every negative thing that is said to you and I think you all out did yourselves!  I am still hurt about the whole ordeal but I am moving past it and am going to triumph it!

Be sure to stay tuned for lots to come!  If you have not entered in the 250,000 hits blog give away, take a moment and pop on over to that post and leave a comment with a way for me to contact you!  I will be drawing a winner very soon!

Once again, thanks so much for your support.  Have a wonderul day!



  1. good for you!! Don't let anyone bring you down, people sometimes are just mean just to be mean, but you are a strong woman and we love the work you do!

    I have never met you, but I have followed your blog and have used many of your tutorials and for that I am very grateful.I am glad to hear you will not let one negative person outshine the hundreds of people that care about you.

    Good luck and look forward to seeing more of your creative work!

    cricut critter

  2. Three cheers for your Kendra. I follow your blog and so appreciate your coupons. I'm glad our responses helped you make the right decision. Keep up the great work and know we all care about you.
    Karen T

  3. Congratulations!!! I am so glad that you have decided to stay and trimph!

    Hold you're head up have alot of supporters out there who care about you.

    Wish you all the best in your decision and looking forward to more "stuff" from you.

  4. That's our girl!! Always remember.. chicken salad.. and laugh. You can't make chicken salad...

    I have learned from you - Kendra- and hope that through everyone's support (even though we don't meet face to face) you know the people you have touched, inspire, and encourage to take risks with their crafting.

    You are also "THE COUPON FAIRY"

  5. I had emailed you privately and I will again, but I wanted to public congratulate you on your rallying back. We need you and your ideas. Good luck, you have great things ahead of you.

  6. glad you decided to stay! I am rather new and use your coupons all the time. Keeps me shopping all the time. I am new at making cards and appreciate any ideas you have. keep up the good work. God Bless

  7. GOOD and THANK YOU. I have never meet you and just started reading your blog and LOVE IT. Thank you for staying. You do great work and dont let anyone tell you different. Thanks so much. your the best
    and hugs from a total stranger

  8. ok not having luck with this. 1st i have never met you, and just started on the blog the day before you had the very mean person. I was so sad. I am soooooooo glad you are staying 'cause i love your blogs. keep up the great work. i loved it. ps you should have won the gyspy thing. I loved your will have to use it for my scrapbook great jog. Hugs for a stranger.

  9. Kendra-
    Just wanted to say I'm so glad you're staying. I, along with many others, enjoy your work and look forward to the e-mails announcing another post to your site. I totally agree with your reasoning, and I think you made the right choice. No one else has a right to make you stop doing what you love.
    Debbie in S. Florida

  10. Good for you! I am so happy you are sticking around for good. :)

  11. I'm proud of you! Way to stand up to that Lurker person and their so called supporters. I truly believe they were just trying to intimidate you to withdraw from the competition so they would have a better chance. It would be our loss if you quit. Looking forward to what's to come. God bless you!
    victic - Vicky

  12. Kendra - I am so far behind on reading blogs, but when I saw this, I just had to send you a "phew, I'm glad you're staying". I really hate someone was negative about you and your wonderful work (it breaks my heart that some people are so petty and childish)- you are the awesome and I look forward to visiting your blog as often as I can. You are very creative using the cricut and can't wait to see what else you show us.

    Talk to you soon - hugs ~~


  13. Im sorry to hear about all that mess. I have come to your blog many times, and Id seen other blogs saying look at this and vote for Kendra. So I did and I voted for ya. You have to be true to yourself and its obvious, you are. I think you do wonderful things and its so apparent that you would be greatly missed. So happy your staying. Just ignore and forget about all the negativity, I no its hard. But your STRONG. Hey HAPPY HALLOWEEN and thank you for all you do for us here, on your blog. Thank you sooo much,Cindy at

  14. You GO Kendra!
    So happy to hear you'll continue your creative blog
    i enjoy it so

  15. That's the spirit girl! Glad you are staying.

  16. YEAH - I'm glad you turned around and saw those of us that love your blog! You've saved me tons of money with the coupons and allowed me to justify my purchases. I've learned so much -new skills & techniques too!

    Thanks again

  17. Kendra,

    Congratulation , we are all glad you are staying. I have learned a lot from you. Keep up the great work.

  18. I'm glad to hear you are staying Kendra!! It is a win over the hateful people. Thank you for continuing to share your gifts with us!!


  19. hey Kendra, miss you. Let me know when you are coming to Columbia. I hear that Fiona saw you last time you were down/up. And as for your staying power.... remember the whole ebay cricut cover saga? You rose above other petty people then and will do again.

  20. So happy to hear that you have decided to stay. I have enjoyed your tutorials and also the trouble you take to get us the coupons. I'm glad you didn't let that person bring you down. Whoever it was, it should be ashamed of its self!

    Rosalie, CA

  21. I'm so happy that you made the decision to stay. God bless you and thank you for sharing your talents..hugs to you!

  22. So glad you are staying! You do a great job!

  23. So glad you are putting the "negative" in it's place. I missed it all and I'm glad. The way I think about that sort of stuff is that the other person can't be happy unless the are hurting someone or that they are jealous. I appreciate your hard work and your sharing!

  24. I am so glad you will be around. I agree with you, we are acountable for the God given talents we have, and how we put them to us. You benefit many more people than you will ever know with the work you. I follow blogs but don't join and don't own one, but use the help I get from them to make cards for soldiers, gifts for my grandkids, etc. So you see, its not just the immediate people that you are helping, but a ever enlarging circle. Thanks again for the help with the coupons, etc that enable me to keep crafting also. Hugs

  25. I don't know what "Lurker" said, but I definitely think it would've been better off left unsaid.

    I am so glad you are sticking with it & continuing to share not only your talents, but your example of how we SHOULD treat one another. You are an inspiration in ways that really matter. Thank you!

  26. I am SUPER glad you are staying!!! YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. I also am glad you decided to stay. I'm sure it was a hard decisio0n to make and you thought it over carefully. I love to look at your fantastic projects.
    Joyce H

  28. I am so excited for you and all
    those you will bless by your gifts!!

  29. Kendra,

    I am glad you prayed & listened to God. that your decision to stay is a great one!!

    I appreciate all you do for us all!!

    Enjoy your week ahead!!!

  30. I just got caught up with your recent blog posts & I just wanted to say that I appreciate you sharing your talent, beautiful creations and coupon compilations!
    I don't know why someone would be so mean & spiteful but I'm glad that you're not letting one person's jealousy take you down. I believe it is just a test of will & you are a better person for ignoring that one cowardly voice!
    Wishing you all the best! Stay strong & positive..there are many, many more of us that support & appreciate your efforts!!

  31. Great new! Glad to hear that you are going to continue with your blog!

  32. GREAT to hear kendra......I am so PROUD of you....stand and look around you, behind you, in front or you and in back of you. We are all there....with big smiles on our faces glad you are staying.
    Sticks and stones may break my bones...but names will never hurt me!
    Smiles from the miles

  33. So glad that you are staying. Your presence would be missed in the online world!!! Can't wait to see what you create next. Blessings to you. Your project was amazing and you should hold your head high.

  34. Keep up the generous sharing and don't let small minded people belittle your giving.

    Thanks for hanging in there!

  35. I'm so Glad you are continuing through this strife! Your gift is amazing and I truly appreciate it, and all you do!Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  36. Thanks for deceiding to stay, all your followers appreciate your hard work, and talent, those enious of your talent can choose not visit your site, thanks once again.

  37. Thank you so much for staying! I am new to the cricut world and love your site. Do not let Lurker get you down-people like that are just jealous of what you have accomplished! We appreciate you!

  38. wow! I leave the country for a week and almost lost one of my favorite blogs!! i love your blog, your projects and your coupons. I am so glad that you are not going anywhere. Thanks for another great project.

  39. I'm glad that you're sticking around. I've been hearing this scripture a lot and it sounded just like what you were going through last week. "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls (or lurks) around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 I'm so glad you didn't get eaten!!!

    You're doing an awesome thing, don't let one or many little things grow out of proportion and trip you up.

  40. I have been away for a while & am just today getting back to blogging.

    I can't imagine that anyone would say anything rude to someone who is so positive and so generous to share all that you do with us.

    No matter what negative thing someone said, please ignore it. One person out of the many, Many, MANY that read you should not make you change anything you are doing.

    You are truly appreciated.

    Pat B.

  41. yay! THANK YOU!!!!!

  42. Thank you for your decision. Hold your head up high and know you are a stronger person than the creep that tried to bring you down. I love your column and coupons. Because of you I shopped at my first Hobby Lobby when I visited my family in San Antonio this last week. Left lots of money and filled my suitcase! Yahoo! Now, try to bring Hobby Lobby to Washington state. Haha!

  43. I'm sorry someone slammed you on another blog. People should remember 'do under others....'. I am glad you are staying. If it wasnt' for blogs like yours, my 'creative juices' wouldn't flow sometimes!

    You're awesome!

  44. I am thrilled that you decided to stay. I was so worried when I read your previous post.

    Thanks for all that you do:)

  45. Kendra, I just recently followed your blog. I am so thankful that you have decided to stay with your blog, creating and sharing your talent with all of us. Don't let someone put you down, not worth the heart ache...God is good and I am so glad to hear you ran to him for guidance and prayer. :) I try to post comments as much as possible on all the blogs that I follow to show my appreciation, even if it's a simply "Thank You", but I do get behind. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your hard work. Many blessings.

    Yolanda B.
    Moreno Valley, CA

  46. Kendra - You stood your ground and didn't let the unhappiness of one person knock you down. My experiences w/ Kendra have always been very positive. She has been more than generous to me and we have had good times together. I consider her a friend. We live in the same state but have only been in the same room twice. But I don't hesitate to pick up the phone or email her. She has an affinity for the Cricut - she is one w/ the machine. And she is a darned good cook, too. The kids are adorable with good parenting .

  47. Kenda, I'm so happy you have made the decision to stay and not let someone run you off like that. I left the Cricut board many months ago because of people like the one that attacked you. The drama just wasn't worth it to me.

    So I didn't see what happened, but saw your other blog post regarding this and that it was something to do with your original ocean layout. Girl that layout is MY FAVORITE!! OMG it's so awesome. Infact it's the inspiration for a project I'm doing at work to decorate these big windows we have that just look into another room. "The Fishbowl". Thank you so very much for sharing your creations and stirring the creative mojo in all of us!! You ROCK!! And I've been following your blog since you first started posting the coupons. You have saved me hundreds of $$$.

    Again, I'm so glad you are sticking around. HUGS!!
